Learning Sanctuary Community Centre
To provide a strong and safe cultural community environment for empowered Aboriginal men, women, youth, and children who are proud in their identity.
To nurture positive well-being, build capacity, grow friendships, strengthen our bonds and ‘footprints’, across this land.
MK is committed to actively promoting ethical and responsible decision making and is proactive at all levels of the organisation through the following values:
Miya Kaadadjiny Learning Sanctuary Community Centre Inc (MK) is a not for profit Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO). Management committee members are Aboriginal community members representing the diverse local Aboriginal community.
The establishment of MK was the vision of parents of Noongar children from Girrawheen Senior High School back in 2002, who lived in Girrawheen and surrounding suburbs. A demountable was acquired from a program being delivered in the 2000’s. The local families saw a need for services to be provided for Aboriginal community members in the Girrawheen and the surrounding suburbs. It was identified that there was a need for a place to call our own, a meeting place and a place to carry out activities identified by the community.
The objects for which the Association is established are:
We run regular programs including Sunday craft and maintenance of our bush tucker garden. MK is happy to welcome newcomers and their children. It is great to see the children enjoy the actives and bush land. We also run Noongar Language classes, Kwobidak Yoka (beautiful women's) group and other events. Check out our Facebook events page for the latest details
39 Calvert Way, Girrawheen WA 6064, Australia
Email: miya.kaadadjinylc@outlook.com